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    Bongkrekic acid 結果共13筆

  • No bacteria found in Polam Kopitiam chefs’ homes

    Meta description (160 characters): Polam Kopitiam food poisoning case update: No Burkholderia gladioli found in chefs’ homes; 34 cases reported, including 2 deaths and 4 in intensive care.
    2024/04/15 17:31
  • Bongkrekic acid confirmed at Polam Kopitiam, probe continues

    Investigation into food poisoning at Polam Kopitiam’s Hsin-yi A13 branch in Taipei finds no Burkholderia gladioli bacteria on kitchen utensils or chef’s hands, despite bongkrekic acid detected in chef’s samples. Deputy Health Minister Wang Pi-sheng speculates on contamination scenarios as evidence points to branch’s responsibility.
    2024/04/08 13:46
  • 不是「米」害的!米酵菌酸元凶是它 專家籲正名:勿造成恐慌

    信義A13「寶林茶室」食物中毒案持續引起關注,截至目前已有31例個案,其中14例個案皆檢驗出「米酵菌酸」毒素。但馬來西亞籍國立清華大學分子與細胞生物研究所暨生命科學系副教授黃貞祥指出,此毒素為Bongkrekic acid,中文翻譯錯誤導致大眾對無辜的「米」產生錯誤恐慌,其正確中譯應為「椰酵菌酸」。
    2024/04/01 17:37
  • 米酵菌酸毒死人!專家曝「真正用途」:為了生存攻擊真菌

    寶林茶室食物中毒案持續延燒,目前31名個案中就有14人驗出「米酵菌酸」(bongkrekic acid,BA)陽性,引起全台民眾人心惶惶。中研院士牟中原3月30日在臉書上發文解釋「米酵菌酸本來是好菌(米酵菌)的好幫手」,除了說明米酵菌的產生及功能外,還猜測此次食物中毒案的炒粿條會出現米酵菌酸的可能。
    2024/04/01 16:14
  • Taiwan assures safety of local pineapples and mushrooms

    Stay informed about the recent bongkrekic acid scare in Taipei involving pineapples and king oyster mushrooms. Learn how the Ministry of Agriculture reassures the public of the safety of locally grown produce and clarifies the bacteria responsible for the toxin. Understand the stringent conditions required for bongkrekic acid production and how to ensure food safety when consuming agricultural products.
    2024/04/01 14:09
  • Restaurant under investigation after fatal food poisoning

    A food poisoning incident at Polam Kopitiam restaurant in Taipei has resulted in an investigation by prosecutors, focusing on food preparation and storage. Traces of "Bongkrekic acid" were found in the autopsy report of one deceased individual. The case involves potential charges of negligence leading to death and violations of food safety laws. Multiple staff members, including CEO Mr. Li and chef Mr. Hu, have been questioned and detained as part of the ongoing investigation.
    2024/03/29 16:23
  • 台灣首起米酵菌酸中毒! 醫曝「這方法」有機會救命

    台北市遠百信義的素食餐廳「寶林茶室」發生嚴重的集體食物中毒事件,造成2人不幸死亡,另有5人重症命危。衛生福利部在28日的記者會上指出,這是台灣首次檢出「米酵菌酸」(Bongkrekic Acid)毒素,其毒性極強,只要攝入1至1.5毫克就可能致命。專家建議,或許可嘗試使用「乙醯半胱胺酸」(N-Acetyl Cystein,NAC)解毒劑來救治中毒患者。
    2024/03/29 12:11
  • Chef arrested from deadly food poisoning case

    A food safety scandal at Polam Kopitiam in Taipei’s Xinyi district leads to the arrest of a substitute chef surnamed Hu. The incident involves violations of food safety laws and involuntary manslaughter, with the deceased testing positive for bongkrekic acid. The founder and representative of the restaurant attend a meeting with Taipei’s Department of Legal Affairs, urging customers who dined between March 17 and 25 to monitor their health.
    2024/03/29 09:53
  • Deadly Bongkrekic acid found in Taiwan’s food poisoning case

    A significant development in a suspected food poisoning case at Polam Kopitiam in Taipei, Taiwan, as the Ministry of Health and Welfare detects "Bongkrekic acid" in deceased individuals, marking a first in the country. The acid, highly toxic and lethal in minuscule amounts, has led to two deaths and five people in intensive care. The investigation continues with warnings against consuming improperly stored fermented starch foods.
    2024/03/29 09:49
  • The hidden risks of reheated rice and noodles

    Learn about the dangers of improperly stored rice and noodle dishes when reheated, as warned by Dr. Lee Chien-chang from National Taiwan University Hospital. A recent food poisoning case at Polam Kopitiam in Malaysia has raised concerns about Bongkrekic acid, a potent toxin linked to fatal outcomes. Stay informed on the risks and symptoms associated with this deadly acid, which can cause acute damage and organ failure.
    2024/03/28 14:19
  • 致命元凶恐不只米酵菌酸!醫揭寶林案「救不了關鍵」:看亡者就知

    寶林茶室疑食物中毒2死案,目前衛福部召集醫師專家討論後,認為「米酵菌酸」(Bongkrekic acid)毒素致命的可能性升高。不過腎臟科醫師江守山認為,恐不只米酵菌酸,還有可能有另一毒素,光看不幸過世的受害者病程就知。
    2024/03/28 11:08
  • 不只台灣!非洲這國因「米酵菌酸」中毒 75喪禮賓客喝酒慘死

    遠百信義A13素食餐廳「寶林茶室」爆發嚴重食物中毒案,造成2死4命危,毒素「米酵菌酸」(Bongkrekic Acid)被認為是最有可能的致命元凶。事實上,雖然台灣不曾發生「米酵菌酸」中毒事件,但國外早有先例,最知名的案件之一,是2015年發生在非洲國家莫三比克的自釀啤酒中毒事件,當時造成至少75死。
    2024/03/28 10:04
  • 寶林2死!台大醫喊避免「這種飯、麵」重複加熱 米酵菌酸更猛爆

    寶林茶室疑食物中毒2死案,衛福部昨召集專家醫師緊急會議,討論結果認為「米酵菌酸」(Bongkrekic acid)毒素致命的可能性升高。衛福部資訊處處長、前台大醫院急診醫學部主治醫師李建璋表示,米酵菌酸比起仙人掌細菌毒更猛爆,並提及幾種「飯、麵」應如何避免重複加熱。
    2024/03/28 09:14
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